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Post Federal budget reflections


The federal budget 2021–22 was handed down by the Treasurer, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, on 11 May 2021. This article considers the key issues as we wait for the legislative amendments to give effect to the budget measures.



At the time JobKeeper was announced on 30 March 2020, I described the scheme as akin to a pot of boiling water on the stove (representing the economy) where the gas levels cannot be maintained (due to COVID-19 lockdowns). Rather than turn the gas off, it was reduced to a low simmer. This would allow the pot to return to the boil more quickly than if the water was allowed to go stone cold.

It worked … the Australian economy has rebounded faster and stronger than expected, as evidenced by the latest budget numbers. For all its minor design flaws, JobKeeper kept businesses afloat and employees in jobs.

While an eye-watering deficit of $106.6 billion has been forecast for 2021–22, the budget measures have been positively received by many observers, containing plenty of good news for most. This budget was undoubtedly prepared with a forthcoming Federal election in mind (expected to be held no later than 21 May 2022) and against the backdrop of an electorate weary from the COVID-19 pandemic.

As I reflect on the package of key tax and superannuation measures announced this year, it is apparent that some of the measures can be classified into one of the following three categories:

  • measures which are long overdue and constitute a ‘clean up’;
  • measures which are welcome but could go further; and
  • measures which are difficult to fault for their intent or purpose, but which require further consultation.

Letting go of LMITO

Before I do so, I’d like to comment on the highly visible Low and Middle Income tax offset (LMITO), thanks to extensive media coverage. If anyone is thinking the LMITO should be further extended (beyond 2021–22) or retained permanently, remember that it was baked into Stage 2 of the Personal Income Tax Plan. Stage 2 was originally legislated to apply from 1 July 2022 which would have subsumed the limited life LMITO.

However, last year’s budget brought forward Stage 2 by two years and unexpectedly extended the LMITO by 12 months to 2020–21. The LMITO’s life will be further extended to 2021–22, meaning it will endure for what will now be four years, as originally intended in the Personal Income Tax Plan, from 2018–19 to 2021–22.

Importantly, the nexus between the LMITO and the Stage 2 tax cuts has been decoupled. The tax cuts package was designed before COVID-19. The continuation of the LMITO for an additional two years has morphed into an economic stimulus measure. Its proposed removal after 2021–22 will visibly cut into family budgets as its recipients have become accustomed to the offset and come to rely on it. Perhaps the ‘bonus’ two years of the LMITO could have been rebadged (even renamed) by the government as a stimulus measure, as its subsumption by the Stage 2 tax cuts on 1 July 2020 seems to have gone unnoticed by most taxpayers and the media.

Long overdue measures

  • The proposed removal of the exclusion of the first $250 of deductions for self-education expenses (not likely before 1 July 2022) is a sensible measure. This annoying rule — a legacy of the concessional deduction of the 1960s, the $250 rebate of the 1970s and the removal of that rebate in the early 1980s — imposes an unnecessary compliance burden on taxpayers.
  • The proposed removal of the $450 monthly income threshold for superannuation guarantee purposes (not likely before 1 July 2022) is a sensible and long overdue change, particularly in this digital age of electronic payments and reporting. This measure is expected to benefit 300,000 low income employees, of which 63 per cent are women.
  • The proposed removal of the active member test for SMSFs and small APRA funds (not likely before 1 July 2022) is also a long overdue measure. This sensible change will allow those temporarily stranded offshore due to our international border closure to continue to contribute to their own funds without having to set up a separate superannuation account managed by a large fund. The increase in the period under the temporary absence rule for fund trustees from two years to five years is also sensible, particularly for those trustees whose temporary absences overseas have been unexpectedly extended by COVID-19.

Welcome measures that could go further

  • The proposed removal of the work test for those aged 67–74 making voluntary superannuation contributions (not likely before 1 July 2022) is a pleasing measure but falls short. The work test will be removed for those making voluntary non-concessional contributions or concessional contributions under a salary sacrifice arrangement but will remain for those aged 67–74 who cannot access salary sacrifice arrangements or earn solely investment income and seek to make personal deductible contributions. At a time when all efforts should be made to encourage superannuation savings, it is curious why this unnecessary restriction on the making of some concessional contributions remains.
  • Temporary full expensing and loss carry back are economic stimulus measures from last year’s budget. These will be extended for a further 12 months, to 30 June 2023 and 2022–23 respectively. While this is welcome, the annual extension and/or expansion of the asset write-off mechanism (in one form or another since 12 May 2015), in particular, is inefficient and confusing for taxpayers and practitioners. It is high time the government decides on the appropriate asset and business turnover settings and makes these mechanisms a permanent feature of the law, for once and for all.
  • The introduction of a patent box — a concessional corporate tax rate of 17 per cent on income derived from Australian patents in the medical and biotechnology sectors — is an innovative response from the government. There is enormous scope to expand the concept to other industries (noting that the clean energy sector has already been flagged).

Awaiting further detail

  • The changes to the corporate tax residency rules — announced in last year’s budget — will now be sensibly extended to include trusts and corporate limited partnerships. However, we await further detail on the new ‘significant economic connection to Australia’ test for companies incorporated outside Australia announced in last year’s budget.
  • The introduction of a new individual tax residency ‘bright line test’ should, theoretically, replace the current ‘resides test’ and the three statutory tests. However, the proposed secondary ‘Factor test’ may present new challenges for those who fail the primary ‘bright line test’, particularly when taxpayers try to navigate the ‘Australian economic connections’ factor. It is hoped that the government will look to consult further with the profession before finalising its policy position on the detail of this measure. We need to be careful we are not effectively replacing one set of complex tests with another, without gaining any ground.

Other significant measures

Other notable measures announced in the budget include the following:

  • the eligible age for making downsizer superannuation contributions will be reduced from 65 to 60 (not likely before 1 July 2022);
  • the maximum releasable amount under the First Home Super Saver Scheme will be increased from $30,000 to $50,000 (not likely before 1 July 2022);
  • taxpayers will be allowed to self-assess the effective life of intangible assets rather than being required to use the statutory effective lives set out in s 40-95(7) of the ITAA 1997 (but not until 1 July 2023);
  • the cessation of employment will be removed as a taxing point for tax deferred employee share scheme interests; and
  • small business entities (aggregated turnover of less than $10 million) will be provided with the ability to apply to the Small Business Taxation Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) to pause or modify ATO debt recovery action until the underlying dispute is resolved by the AAT, rather than applying through the courts.

The start date of the measures

The government released the budget for 2021–22 on 11 May 2021, yet none of the key tax and superannuation measures commence on 1 July 2021 (noting the continuation of temporary full expensing and loss carry back until 2023). Most of the measures start on the first 1 July following Royal Asset of the enabling legislation. While this acknowledges the reality of the inevitable passage of time between the date of announcement and the date of Royal Assent (allowing time for the measures to be passed by Parliament), it means that, ironically, most of the tax and superannuation measures contained in the federal budget 2021–22 will not commence until 1 July 2022 at the earliest.

This timing places the commencement of these measures beyond the next Federal election. If the measures are enacted before then, any changes could only be effected by further legislative amendment. If any of the measures are still unenacted when the Parliament is dissolved and:

  • the Coalition is re-elected — presumably the policies would be retained and any unenacted measures contained in bills lapsing on the dissolution of the Parliament would be reintroduced;
  • the Opposition forms government — it would be a matter for the Australian Labor Party to set out their policies and confirm whether the Coalition’s budget measures will be adopted.

As usual, we shall wait and see what transpires.

A final word on tax reform…

The budget did not contain any commitment to a holistic tax reform agenda. We still hope that the government will commit to tax reform to improve the efficiency and equity, and reduce the complexity, of the tax and superannuation system.

The government could take up opportunities set out in The Tax Institute’s pre-budget submission on expediting dispute resolution and dealing with some of the penalty issues raised in our submission, including the draconian 200 per cent penalty imposed under the superannuation guarantee regime for failure to lodge an SG statement.



Robyn Jacobson
The Tax Institute 
28 May 2021


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Accounting & Bookkeeping

Modern business demands up to date accurate financial information.

We can take care of all your bookkeeping and accounting needs, including the preparation of your annual accounts and periodic management accounts for tax, business appraisal and planning purposes.

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Each transaction is different and needs to be assessed on its individual merits. There are a number of accounting and taxation opportunities with these transactions and our experience can ensure you are maximising your benefits.

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A good budget is a necessity in a good business plan. It is one of the best business tools we have, allowing us to set financial targets and measure our performance.

In addition to goal setting value, budgets will often improve your chances of acquiring funding. Financers often require budgets as a prerequisite for funding approval.

We have extensive experience with assisting clients in the budgeting process.

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .

Business Start-Ups

Before commencing a new business, the following are some of the key items that need to be considered:

  • Decide on the most suitable structure for your business – sole trader, partnership, trust or company
  • Prepare a business plan, cashflow projections, budgets, and trading forecasts
  • Assess your finance requirements, advise on the best sources of finance, and draw up the necessary proposals
  • Establish a good working relationship with your bank
  • Register for a Tax File Number and an Australian Business Number with the ATO
  • Complete registration procedures with Australian Securities and Investments Commission
  • Deal with company secretarial issues
  • Set up a recording system for your internal use and for complying with statutory requirements

Each new business is different and needs to be considered in relation to your individual circumstances and our experience can ensure you are maximising your opportunities.

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .

Charitable Institutions

Charitable institutions are set up to hold money or assets and carry out activities for the benefit of the community. In Australia, a variety of charitable institutions exist including:

  • Various forms of charitable trusts
  • Companies limited by guarantee
  • Unincorporated associations
  • Deductible gift recipients
  • Prescribed private fund

Each type of charitable institution brings with it different requirements and benefits. We know the practicalities of these institutions and are able to assist you by:

  • Co-ordinating the preparation of constituent documents
  • Applying to the ATO for an Australian Business Number and Tax File Number
  • Organising tax exemptions where applicable
  • Attending to all compliance and statutory filings

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .

Company Secretary

Company legislation requires businesses to perform many administration tasks which take up a lot of valuable company time.

We are able to assist you in the following areas:

  • General advice on company law
  • Company formations
  • Filing of annual returns on your behalf
  • Preparation of all documentation related to minutes and resolutions
  • Maintenance of statutory books
  • Assistance in changes of directors, shareholders, addresses, and office details
  • Bonus Issues
  • Share transfers
  • Registered Office Facility

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .

Financial Structures

Having the right financial structure in place for your business or your family means looking at your individual circumstances and ensuring that your assets are being maximised whilst being adequately protected.

We have extensive experience in ensuring our clients have the best financial structure for their needs both now and in the future. We can provide advice on and assist with:

  • Effective structures for asset protection
  • Effective structures for tax minimisation
  • The optimal structure through which to operate your business
  • Structures to assist in succession planning and providing for future generations

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .


Every transaction has GST implications. We have experience with these issues and are able to offer expert advice on the implications of GST for your business. The GST related services we offer include:

  • Assistance with registering for GST
  • Filing and adjusting GST returns
  • ATO audit assistance
  • Advice on GST related issues

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .

Management Consulting

We are practiced in acting as a sounding board for management, bringing to the relationship years of experience in business growth and analysis.

We are able to check that your business is as competitive, focused, and profitable as it can be and we will work with you to address any issues.

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .

Payroll Services

We can provide a comprehensive and confidential payroll service including:

  • Administration of PAYG Withholding, statutory sick pay, annual leave etc
  • Australian Taxation Office filing
  • Summaries and analyses of staff costs
  • Administration of incentive schemes, bonuses and termination payments
  • Assistance with payroll tax and workers compensation obligations

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .

Rental Properties

We can assist in a variety of areas in relation to residential and commercial property including:

  • Advice on funding
  • Cash flow analysis of property investment
  • Guidance in tax related areas including negative gearing and capital gains tax
  • Advice on ownership structure
  • Preparation of initial land tax returns and land tax variation returns

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .

Clients of Wybenga & Partners Pty Limited can engage our partner firm, Washington Brown, for a competitive price on their depreciation services: Tax Depreciation Quote Request – Wybenga & Partners Pty Limited Clients

Strategic Planning & Advice

Our Strategic Planning Service is designed to assist our clients to develop financially towards the achievement of their lifetime objectives. Our experience and proven results provide our clients with the security that their financial goals will be met.

Wybenga Financial Pty Ltd is an organisation providing wealth creation and management services to private clients.

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .


Self-managed superannuation is a flexible means of saving for retirement. It allows you to take control of your superannuation, adopt a customized investment strategy and control fund administration costs.

Superannution law is a delicate area and personalised planning is required for each individual. We have extensive experience in all areas relating to superannuation and can assist in establishing a superannuation fund that will effectively allow you to reach your financial retirement goals.

Services we offer include:

  • Establishment of Self Managed Superannuation Funds
  • Advice concerning Compliance Matters
  • Advice concerning Taxation Benefits
  • Advice on Employer obligations

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .


We offer a complete range of taxation services and advice based on proven knowledge and experience. Our proactive approach ensures we deliver a consistent service and build solid relationships.

We will work with you to help reduce your tax exposure and provide services including:

  • Advice on all areas of direct and indirect taxation
  • Preparation and lodgement of annual income tax returns for all types of entities
  • Preparation of PAYG withholding variation applications
  • Preparation of activity statements and advice on payment of tax
  • Assistance with GST/FBT obligations including preparation and lodgement of relevant forms
  • Advice on and implementation of tax effective trust structures for asset protection and tax minimisation
  • Management of any ATO audits or disputes

If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .


A trust provides a valuable way of protecting the assets you have accumulated for the benefit of yourself and others.  A trust can also be an effective structure for running your business.

We have extensive experience with trusts and are able to offer specialist advice on establishment and compliance, ensuring that all statutory requirements are met.

Wybenga & Partners are able to organise for the preparation and execution of documentation involved in Trust formation.

Our Trust administration service includes:

  • Minute keeping service
  • Annual accounts
  • Taxation
  • Maintenance of CGT register
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If you would like further information you can contact us on (02) 9300 3000 or .

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Accounting Videos


Chris Wybenga

B.Bus, CA

Chris is the Managing Director of the Firm who established the practice in August 1994 and has been responsible for its growth and development since that time.

Chris has over 40-years experience in the Chartered Accountancy profession, predominantly spent in small to medium sized firms, advising both small business and individuals in areas such as taxation and accounting as well as business restructuring and superannuation advice.

Chris is active in the development of young accountants both in mentoring cadets at the Firm and lecturing in taxation for the CA Program for the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

  • 1980 – Commenced employment and part time university studies
  • 1985 – Graduated Bachelor of Business from University of Technology, Sydney
  • 1986 – Admitted as an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
  • 1988 – Registered as a Registered Company Auditor
  • 1994 – Established Wybenga & Partners (formerly known as Farrar & Wybenga)

Dianne Bechara

B.Bus, CA

Dianne is responsible for the day-to-day operations and administration of the practice.

Dianne has over 30-years Chartered Accountancy experience and has significant expertise in providing advice and solutions to high-net-worth individuals and their associated entities. Dianne also has considerable knowledge in the areas of taxation, business services, superannuation, and compliance.

Dianne is active in promoting gender equality in the industry through various programs and mentoring opportunities. Dianne is also committed to the development of young accountants and donates considerable time to sharing her expertise.

  • 1992 – Graduated Bachelor of Business from University of Technology, Sydney
  • 1993 – Commenced employment in acounting profession
  • 1996 – Commenced career with Wybenga & Partners
  • 1997 – Admitted as an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
  • 2002 – Appointed as Director of Wybenga & Partners

Roger Potter

B.Bus, CA

Roger is responsible for the HR aspect of the Firm, cultivating the culture, and maintaining the highly social environment we pride ourselves on.

Roger has over 35-years in the Chartered Accountancy profession and significant expertise in providing advice and solutions to small businesses and high-net-worth individuals. He also has extensive experience in the areas of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds and retirement strategies.

Roger is active in the development of young accountants both in mentoring cadets at the firm and lecturing in taxation for the CA Program for the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

  • 1985 – Commenced employment and part time university studies
  • 1990 – Graduated Bachelor of Business from University of Technology, Sydney
  • 1992 – Admitted as an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
  • 1998 – Commenced career with Wybenga & Partners
  • 2002 – Appointed as Director of Wybenga & Partners

Tess Uncle

B.Sc, M.Com, CA

Tess has over 22-years experience in Chartered Firms and in this time has had a broad range of experience in superannuation, taxation, and business services. In particular, Tess has had significant experience in MYOB and assisting clients in day-to-day bookkeeping activities and periodic reporting.

Tess is responsible for the Firm’s training and development needs.

Tess is active in promoting gender equality in the industry through various programs and mentoring opportunities. Tess is also committed to the development of young accountants and donates considerable time to sharing her expertise.

  • 2001 – Commenced employment with Wybenga & Partners and part-time accountancy studies
  • 2004 – Graduated Masters of Commerce from the University of New South Wales
  • 2005 – Admitted as an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
  • 2007 – Promoted to Manager at Wybenga & Partners
  • 2012 – Appointed as Associate Director
  • 2016 – Appointed as Director of Wybenga & Partners

Schedule a Meeting with Tess

Adam Roberts

B.Bus, B.Sc, CA

Adam has over 18-years experience in Chartered Firms and in this time has had a broad range of experience in superannuation, taxation, and business services. In particular, Adam has had significant experience in MYOB and assisting clients with periodic management reporting.

Adam is responsible for the implementation of technology in the Firm and sourcing new areas of innovation and efficiency.

Adam is active in the development of young accountants and donates considerable time to sharing his expertise.

  • 2005 – Commenced employment with Wybenga & Partners and part-time Accountancy Studies
  • 2005 – Graduated Bachelor of Science from the University of Western Sydney
  • 2007 – Graduated Bachelor of Business from the University of Western Sydney
  • 2010 – Admitted as an Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
  • 2010 – Promoted to Manager at Wybenga & Partners
  • 2012 – Appointed as Associate Director
  • 2016 – Appointed as Director of Wybenga & Partners

Schedule a Meeting with Adam

Accounting Cadetships

Build your career with expert guidance from our accounting cadetships program, based in Sydney NSW.

Wybenga & Partners offer accounting cadetships at our location in the CBD of Sydney NSW. You’ll receive expert guidance as you work in the industry.

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  • Friendly and supportive culture
  • Modern work environment
  • Training and ongoing support
  • Convenient Sydney CBD location
  • Registered tax agents

Call (02) 9300 3000

or send your enquiry now

    Each year we offer several school leavers or undergraduates the opportunity of beginning their career with us via an Accounting Cadetship. If you are interested in pursuing a career in accounting please read the information below. Our accounting cadetships could be perfect for you!

    What is an Accounting Cadetship?

    An Accounting Cadetship enables you to commence your career whilst attaining the necessary university qualifications by studying part-time.

    How Does It Work?

    Generally, our cadets complete a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) or Bachelor of Business (BBus) degree at the University of New South Wales, the University of Technology Sydney, Macquarie University, or the University of Western Sydney.

    The firm provides 3 hours paid study leave per week to attend University. This can either be taken at the one time or broken between days depending on the individual’s requirements. In addition, the Firm provides paid study leave for both mid-semester and end-of-year exams.

    We take the work life balance very seriously at Wybenga & Partners and our cadets are encouraged to have a fulfilling life outside the office. A typical day will have you arriving at the office at around 8.30am with most days concluding at 5.30pm.

    What Are the Benefits of Accounting Cadetships with Wybenga and Partners?

    Our cadets benefit from the following:

    • Career path – on completion of their degree our cadets have significant practical experience which will assist them in advancing their careers.
    • Work helps your studies – by working full-time our cadets are able to apply their practical knowledge in the university subjects.
    • Camaraderie with other cadets – the Firm has a number of cadets at various stages of their career.
    • Mentoring – cadets are paired with a senior staff member who oversees their progress and training both at work and with their studies.
    • Communication and feedback – the Firm has an open door policy which enables all cadets to interact with all members of staff including Directors.
    • Culture – the Firm promotes a friendly social culture with a number of functions throughout the year.
    • Modern environment – including ‘socialising’ areas such as pool table and break out area.
    • Training – ongoing support and technical training. We also provide internal and external training on a monthly basis.
    • Remuneration – working full-time provides a market salary and independence with salaries being reviewed every 6-months.
    • Professional registered tax agents – Wybenga & Partners are registered tax agents with the Tax Practitioners Board. We use our years of experience and professionalism to provide the best advice and education to you, helping you build your career effectively.

    What Happens When I Complete My Degree?

    The completion of your degree is the first step of what we hope to be a long and successful career with us. The next step is the commencement of your CA Program with the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand whilst at the same time continuing your employment with us.

    A number of cadets have progressed to Seniors, Managers, and Directors within the firm.

    Who Should Apply?

    Current Year 12 students or first/second year University Students who:

    • want to commence their career in accountancy;
    • are due to commence or are currently completing a part-time business or commerce degree at university with an accounting major;
    • want to gain valuable hands-on experience while completing their qualifications;
    • are looking for a friendly working environment;
    • are team players who display initiative;
    • have a commitment to self-development;
    • possess excellent personal presentation and communication skills; and
    • are motivated and mature minded.

    How Do I Apply for an Accounting Cadetship?

    To apply for a Cadetship position at Wybenga & Partners send us your details. Please also include in your covering letter why you wish to do a cadetship, include relevant qualities you possess, main interests / achievements, and any previous employment.

    Interested candidates should initially forward a resume/covering letter of no more than 3-pages. Please provide full details of contact information (telephone or e-mail).

    What If I Have More Questions?

    For further information about our Cadetship program, please send your enquiry to .

    Skilled Accountants

    Wybenga & Partners offers a stimulating work environment giving you the opportunity to develop your future success.

    Wybenga & Partners recognises and promotes that there is more to life than work. We know that your needs change and we provide support to balance your work, academic and lifestyle pursuits.

    We welcome enquires from trained accountants regarding a career with Wybenga & Partners. Please email us your details to .